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Supporting & Promoting Bicycling in Our Community

Spoke Folk Cyclery believes that the bicycle is a valid, sustainable mode of transport.

We start riding bikes as kids for fun and adventure. A couple of decades ago, bikes were a way for kids to gain their independence from their parents and for many it was the only way to get around, even into their teens. Unfortunately, in the US, the number of children who ride their bike to school has dropped dramatically in just one generation. Many perceive the bicycle to be, at best, just another form of recreation, and at worst, a nuisance that does not belong on the road.

In Europe and Asia, many people use bicycles to commute to work every day, in all seasons and weather.

Spoke Folk Cyclery is dedicated to promoting cycling as a bona fide mode of transportation by:

  • Supporting local and national organizations such as the Sonoma Bicycle Coalition, Bikes Belong and Safe Routes to School. 
  • Participating in the creation of a countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan through involvement with the Sonoma County Transportation Authority.
  • Working with local schools to promote safe cycling habits by providing riding clinics and free safety checks.